PDF 25/09/2024 H2quality-DNV_IFIEC_Final.pdf Gas
PDF 06/09/2024 Low Carbon Hydrogen non fossils PPAs : joint statement Gas
PDF 13/06/2024 Low Carbon Fuels / Hydrogen Joint Statement of industry Gas
PDF 07/06/2024 Gas : Capacity Allocation mechanism network code Gas
PDF 20/10/2021 Joint statement: Affordable renewable energy is the lifeblood of the European energy-intensive industries Gas & Electricity & Climate
26/11/2020 Response to EU Hydrogen Strategy Gas & Climate
PDF 03/06/2020 Contribution to EC consultation on preparing a future EU strategy on energy sector integration Climate & Gas & Electricity
PDF 04/05/2016 IE response on EC proposal on a Security of Gas Supply Regulation Gas
PDF 30/09/2015 IE response on EC Consultation on a EU Strategy for LNG and Gas Storage Gas
PDF 10/08/2015 IE Response on Establishment of Annual Priority Lists for Development of Network Codes and Guidelines for 2016 and beyond Gas
PDF 26/06/2015 IE response on the ACER consultation on a Common Schema for the Disclosure of Inside Information Gas
PDF 13/05/2015 IFIEC Europe-press release on website relaunch Gas & Electricity & Climate
PDF 08/04/2015 IE Response on EC Consultation on Security of Supply Gas
PDF 03/02/2015 IE Position on Security of Gas Supply in the EU Gas
PDF 16/06/2014 IFIEC Europe response on the ACER 2025 Consultation Gas
PDF 12/06/2014 Energy Forum 2014- WP Gas – S Solheim (IFIEC Europe) Gas
PDF 18/04/2014 IE position on Gas Target Model Gas
PDF 17/12/2013 IE Response on Energy Regulation- A Bridge to 2025 - Discussion Paper on Gas Gas
PDF 17/10/2013 IE Position on Remit Gas
PDF 11/06/2013 IE response to EC Consultation on Unconventional Fossil Fuels - Press Release Gas
PDF 05/06/2013 Energy Forum 2013- Gas Session – M Monteverde (Argus) Gas
PDF 05/06/2013 Energy Forum 2013- Gas Session – P Botschek (Cefic) Gas
PDF 05/06/2013 Energy Forum 2013- Gas Session - S Solheim (IFIEC Europe) Gas
PDF 21/05/2013 True Gas Market Competition – Press Release Gas
PDF 13/05/2013 IE Response to EC Consultation on Etablishment of the Annual Priority Lists for the Development of Network Codes and Guidelines for 2014 and beyond. Gas
PDF 21/02/2013 Position Paper on Shale Gas – Ifiec Europe and Fertilizers Europe Gas
PDF 26/03/2012 Harmonised Gas Tariff Structure Gas
Powerpoint 22/11/2011 Global Competitiveness in a Liberalised EU Energy Market – Gas Infrastructure and Market by W. GROENENDIJK ENTSOG Gas Gas
Powerpoint 22/11/2011 Market Based Mechanisms for the Completion of the internal GAS MARKET by G. STECK EFET Gas Gas
Powerpoint 22/11/2011 Energy Forum - IFIEC Europe Vision of a Liberalised European Gas Market by S. SOLHEIM Chairman of Working Party Oil & Gas Gas
PDF 26/09/2011 Madrid Forum Gas Liquidity presentation by S. SOLHEIM Gas Gas
PDF 20/09/2011 Gas Target Model Gas
PDF 16/09/2011 Gas Quality Harmonisation Gas
PDF 14/01/2011 EU Gas Market Response Gas
PDF 16/11/2010 ERGEG gas transparency response Gas
PDF 28/10/2010 IFIEC Europe & CEFIC response to ERGEG gas balancing consultation Gas
PDF 10/09/2010 Response to the ERGEG Smart meter consultation Gas & Electricity
Powerpoint 22/09/2009 Energy Forum 2009 - presentation by Mr Jacques LAURELUT President of GTE + Gas
Powerpoint 22/09/2009 Energy Forum 2009 - presentation by Mr Colin LYLE Chairman EFET Gas Committee Gas
PDF 30/04/2008 Draft Guidelines on Art. 22 - a contribution of IFIEC Europe Gas
PDF 28/01/2008 Guidelines of Good Practice on Third Party Access for LNG System Operators ( GGPLNG ) - a contribution of IFIEC Europe Gas Gas
PDF 18/01/2008 Principles on Calculating Tariffs for Access to Gas Transmission Networks - a contribution from IFIEC Europe Gas Gas
PDF 08/01/2008 IFIEC Europe's position on the Commission's "Third Package" proposal for legislative measures to improve the internal gas market. Gas
PDF 28/06/2007 How best to complete the Single European Market for Energy - speech of Mrs Neelie KROES Commisioner for Competetion at the General Assembly of IFIEC Europe Gas & Electricity & Oil
PDF 22/02/2007 Response to the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament - An Energy Policy for Europe Energy - General Gas & Electricity & Oil
PDF 10/01/2007 IFIEC Europe welcomes the Commission's Energy Policy findings Gas & Electricity & Oil
PDF 28/09/2006 Response to the Green Paper " An European Strategy for Sustainable,Competitive and Secure Energy Gas & Electricity & Oil
Powerpoint 23/02/2006 Sector Inquiry on the gas and electricity markets DG COMP by Dominik Schnichels Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate
Powerpoint 23/02/2006 Last exit to get European Energy markets right by MEP Claude Turmes Events Third Energy Forum Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate
Powerpoint 23/02/2006 Implementation of the Electricity and Gas Directives – 2005 Report DG TREN by Ana Arana Antelo Events Third Energy Forum Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate
Powerpoint 23/02/2006 EU Climate Change Policy – Necessary Review of EU ETS by Annette Loske chairwoman WP Climate Change Events Third Energy Forum (23.02.06) Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate
Powerpoint 23/02/2006 EC Sector Enquiry Preliminary Report Gas Markets by Jim Robertson chairman of the WP Oil & Gas Events Third Energy Forum Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate
Powerpoint 23/02/2006 Electricity Inquiry Main DG Competition conclusions by Jean-Paul Aghetti chairman WP Electricity Events Third Energy Forum Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate
PDF 05/03/2003 Outstanding issues for industrial energy consumers following the adoption of a Common Position by the Council on 3 February 2003 for a Directive concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas Gas & Oil
PDF 06/03/2002 The completion of the internal gas market in Europe - Position paper in view of the Council meeting in Barcelona on March15,2002. Gas