PDF 25/09/2024 H2quality-DNV_IFIEC_Final.pdf Gas
PDF 06/09/2024 Low Carbon Hydrogen non fossils PPAs : joint statement Gas
PDF 09/07/2024 Industrial Carbon Management Strategy Climate
PDF 13/06/2024 Low Carbon Fuels / Hydrogen Joint Statement of industry Gas
PDF 07/06/2024 Gas : Capacity Allocation mechanism network code Gas
PDF 15/04/2024 EU Climate Goal 2040 Climate
PDF 15/02/2024 ACER Consultation on electricity prices coupling algorithm methodology Electricity
PDF 06/02/2024 European Resource Adequacy Assessement 2023 Electricity
PDF 06/02/2024 ACER consultation : Removal of barriers to Electricity Demand Response Electricity
PDF 06/02/2024 2040 Climate target : reaction of the Energy Intensive Industry Alliance Climate
PDF 08/01/2024 NEMOs : consultation on auctioning system Electricity
PDF 02/01/2024 ETS: Free allocation rules - EU Consultation Climate
PDF 19/12/2023 Clean Transition Dialogue on Energy Intensive Industries Energy Transition
PDF 04/12/2023 Electricity Market Design (EMD) - statement of the Alliance of the Energy Intensive Industries Electricity
PDF 01/12/2023 Net Zero Industry Act NZIA : statement of the Alliance of the Energy Intensive Industries Energy Transition
PDF 25/09/2023 ACER Consultation on Demand Connection Electricity
PDF 21/09/2023 ACER Consultation on harmonised Allocation rules proposed by TSOs Electricity
PDF 21/09/2023 ACER Consultation on Network code on Requirement for Generators Electricity
21/09/2023 ACER Consultation on Network code on Requirement for Generators : explanatory memo Electricity
PDF 15/09/2023 ACER Consultation on cross-zonal capacities and electricity trade Electricity
PDF 30/08/2023 ETS : Climate neutrality plan Climate
PDF 28/08/2023 CCUS : Carbon Capture Utilisation & Storage Climate
PDF 09/05/2023 Introduction: Net Zero Industry Act Energy Transition
PDF 09/05/2023 Net Zero Industry Act - IFIEC POSITION Energy Transition
PDF 03/04/2023 Guarantees of Origin for Renewables Electricity
PDF 13/02/2023 Electricity Market Design: Commission consultation on reform to support a clean and affordable energy transition Electricity
PDF 13/02/2023 Public Consultation: Revision of the EU’s electricity market design Electricity
PDF 21/09/2022 IFIEC Europe answer to the CORE CCR - Proposal for 1st amendment of the Methodology for splitting long-term cross-zonal capacity in accordance with Article 16 of FCA Regulation Electricity
PDF 02/08/2022 Public consultation - Framework Guideline on Demand Response Electricity
PDF 11/05/2022 Open statement by energy intensive industries ENVI Committee vote on Emissions Trading System and Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Climate
PDF 10/03/2022 IFIEC Europe position on Guarantees of Origin Climate
PDF 02/03/2022 Prioritising the use of high-efficiency cogeneration by industrial operators to reach 2030 climate goals Climate
PDF 14/02/2022 Revision of the EU ETS Directive – Joint Statement Climate
PDF 22/11/2021 Response to EC consultation on energy intensive industries scenarios for a transition pathway Climate
PDF 19/11/2021 Feedback on EU energy efficiency directive (EED) evaluation and review Climate
PDF 18/11/2021 Feedback on EU renewable energy rules review (RED) Climate
PDF 18/11/2021 Feedback on EU Green Deal – Revision of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD) Climate
PDF 17/11/2021 Response to EU consultation on the Carbon Border Adjustment – Mechanism (CBAM) proposal Climate
PDF 08/11/2021 Response to consultation on revision of the EU ETS Directive Climate
PDF 20/10/2021 Joint statement: Affordable renewable energy is the lifeblood of the European energy-intensive industries Gas & Electricity & Climate
PDF 07/10/2021 Feedback on EC roadmap 'restoring sustainable carbon cycles' Climate
PDF 23/07/2021 Response to DG COMP consultation on revised Climate, Energy and Environmental Aid Guidelines (CEEAG) Climate
PDF 02/06/2021 EU Taxonomy disclosure obligations (Art. 8) - IFIEC feedback on draft delegated regulation Climate
PDF 10/05/2021 Alliance letter to VP Timmermans on increasing system efficiency in ‘Fit for 55’ Package through active participation of end-users Electricity
PDF 07/05/2021 Alliance policy recommendations for EU Emissions Trading System review Climate
PDF 07/05/2021 Alliance letter on 'Fit for 55' package Climate
PDF 06/04/2021 Joint industry statement on revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive and decarbonisation policy options Climate
PDF 09/02/2021 Response to consultation on proposal for a revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) Climate
PDF 05/02/2021 Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries recommendations on the review of the EU Emissions Trading System Climate
PDF 07/01/2021 Response to Public Consultation on revision of Guidelines on State aid for Environmental protection and Energy 2014-2020 (EEAG) Climate
PDF 18/12/2020 Response to EU Taxonomy Draft delegated regulation Climate
PDF 16/12/2020 Contribution to EU Evaluation and Impact Assessment of the F-gas Regulation Electricity
PDF 10/12/2020 Response to EU consultation on EEAG - revised guidelines on state aid for environmental protection and energy Climate
26/11/2020 Response to EU Hydrogen Strategy Gas & Climate
PDF 25/11/2020 Response to EU inception impact assessment: Effort Sharing Regulation Climate
PDF 25/11/2020 Response to EU inception Impact Assessment: updating the EU Emissions Trading System Climate
PDF 27/10/2020 IFIEC position paper on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism Climate
PDF 21/09/2020 Contribution to ACER consultation on Methodology for regional operational security coordination, redispatching and countertrading for the Core capacity calculation region Electricity
PDF 17/09/2020 Contribution to roadmap review of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) Efficiency & Climate
PDF 17/09/2020 Contribution to roadmap review of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED) Climate
PDF 10/09/2020 Alliance letter to VP Timmermans on 2030 Climate Target Plan, requirements from energy intensive industries on carbon leakage and effort sharing Efficiency & Climate
PDF 27/07/2020 ACER consultation on the statutory documents of the future EU DSO entity Electricity
PDF 10/07/2020 Response to EU consultation on EU emissions trading system - updated rules on monitoring and reporting regulation (2021-30) Climate
PDF 23/06/2020 Response to EU consultation on Climate Ambition for 2030 and design of certain climate and energy policies of the European Green Deal Climate
PDF 03/06/2020 Contribution to EC consultation on preparing a future EU strategy on energy sector integration Climate & Gas & Electricity
PDF 27/05/2020 Response to ACER consultation on draft methodologies for assessing European resource adequacy, value of lost load, cost of new entry for generation or demand response and reliability standard Electricity
PDF 20/05/2020 Position on EU Climate Neutrality Law – Alliance of the Energy-Intensive Industries Climate
PDF 14/05/2020 Contribution to EC consultation to establish priority list of network codes Electricity
27/04/2020 Comments on EC draft paper on SF6 and alternatives in electrical switchgear and related equipment Electricity
PDF 01/04/2020 Response to Inception Impact Assessment on Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Climate
10/03/2020 Response to consultation on draft ETS State aid Guidelines regarding compensation of indirect costs for the period 2021-2030 Climate
31/01/2020 Contribution to Inception Impact Assessment on Energy Taxation Directive Climate
30/01/2020 Response to ENTSO-E consultation on proposal for VoLL, CONE and Reliability Standard Methodology Electricity
13/01/2020 Response to ENTSO-E consultation on Mid-term Adequacy Forecast 2019 Electricity
PDF 06/03/2019 IFIEC Annual Report 2018 Other documents
PDF 23/10/2017 Joint Association Reaction Paper “For an ambitious EU industrial strategy: going further” Other documents
PDF 23/06/2017 IE_Main suggestions on the Clean Energy Package Efficiency & Electricity
PDF 01/06/2017 IE_Press Release: IFIEC Europe elects new President Other documents
PDF 31/05/2017 IE Energy Forum 2017 Other documents
PDF 22/05/2017 AEII Statemment on the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package Climate
PDF 24/04/2017 IE’s thoughts for the EU ETS trialogue Climate
PDF 21/11/2016 AEII Statement on auctioning & free allocation shares Climate
PDF 09/11/2016 IE Press Release on US election and consequences for climate policy Climate
PDF 07/11/2016 IE Press Release on COP 22: Combatting global warming needs a competitive investment climate to enable innovative solutions Climate
PDF 09/09/2016 IE_Response on an EU Strategy on Heating and Cooling Efficiency
PDF 06/07/2016 IE Comments on The Interim Report of the Sector Inquiry on Capacity Mechanisms Electricity
PDF 06/07/2016 IE_Recommendations on the Reform of the Energy Efficiency Directive, here: Energy Efficiency Obligation Schemes (Art. 7) Efficiency
PDF 31/05/2016 IE_Recommendations on the Reform of the Energy Efficiency Directive, here: Energy Efficiency Targets (Art. 1 & 3) Efficiency
PDF 30/05/2016 IE_Position on Demand Side Flexibility Electricity
PDF 04/05/2016 IE response on EC proposal on a Security of Gas Supply Regulation Gas
PDF 28/04/2016 IE Press Release on CJEU Judgment on CSCF: Call for transparent analysis and recalculation of the CSCF by EU Commission Climate
PDF 19/04/2016 AEII Reaction to the tiered approach to carbon leakage protection Climate
PDF 08/04/2016 IE response on EC Consultation on streamlining of planning and reporting obligations as part of the energy union governance Climate
PDF 10/03/2016 IE Response to EC Consultation on Functioning of the Auctioning Regulation (EU ETS) Climate
PDF 02/03/2016 IE Position on Avoiding a reduction factor on carbon leakage protection Climate
PDF 09/02/2016 IE Response to EC Consultation on Preparation of Renewables Energy Directive II Electricity & Climate
PDF 02/02/2016 IE response to EC Consultation on Review of Energy Efficiency Directive Efficiency
PDF 02/02/2016 AEII Statement on Carbon Cost Pass-Trough Climate
PDF 26/01/2016 IE Comments on the Impact Assessment Institute draft study on the ETS post-2020 revision Climate
PDF 15/12/2015 IE Preliminary view on Advocate General's Opinion on the EU ETS Cross Sectoral Correction Factor (CSCF) Climate
PDF 14/12/2015 IE Press Release on COP 21: Real action to follow the Paris agreement is needed to combat global warming Climate
PDF 02/12/2015 IE Press Release on COP 21: EU industry´s support is vital to combat climate change Climate
PDF 12/10/2015 IE response to EC Consultation on a New Energy Market Design Electricity
PDF 30/09/2015 IE response on EC Consultation on a EU Strategy for LNG and Gas Storage Gas
PDF 22/09/2015 AEII letter to EP and Council: EU ETS reform needs to address both environmental and competitiveness issues Climate
PDF 17/09/2015 IE Position on COP 21 Climate
PDF 10/09/2015 IE Response to EC Consultation on Heating and Cooling Strategy Efficiency
PDF 28/08/2015 IE Response on the EC EU ETS reform proposal of 15 July 2015 Climate
PDF 27/08/2015 Recommendations for EU Support for Renewable Energy Climate
PDF 10/08/2015 IE Response on Establishment of Annual Priority Lists for Development of Network Codes and Guidelines for 2016 and beyond Gas
PDF 16/07/2015 IE Press Release: A significant upgrade of COM´s EU ETS proposal needed to ensure EII´s future in Europe Climate
PDF 15/07/2015 AEII Press Release: Competitiveness of EII is a precondition for EU growth (reaction on COM´s EU ETS proposal) Climate
PDF 29/06/2015 AEII letter to COM-President Juncker on EU ETS revision Climate
PDF 26/06/2015 IE response on the ACER consultation on a Common Schema for the Disclosure of Inside Information Gas
PDF 03/06/2015 IFIEC Europe elects new President and Deputy President Other documents
PDF 13/05/2015 IFIEC Europe-press release on website relaunch Gas & Electricity & Climate
PDF 27/04/2015 Alliance position on strategic choices for ETS post-2020 Climate
PDF 17/04/2015 Association letter on second level legislation of MiFID II and the risk of stalling European wholesale commodity markets Other documents
PDF 08/04/2015 IE Response on EC Consultation on Security of Supply Gas
PDF 02/04/2015 IFIEC Europe press release: Level Playing Field for Climate Policies seems to stay idle wish Climate
PDF 13/03/2015 IE Response on Consultation on Revision of the EU ETS Directive Climate
PDF 03/02/2015 IE Position on Security of Gas Supply in the EU Gas
PDF 29/01/2015 IE Press Release- MSR voting in ITRE underlines need to include CL framework. Plenary voting is necessary. Climate
PDF 25/09/2014 IE Press Release on Stakeholder Workshops on Carbon Leakage post-2020 Climate
PDF 19/09/2014 IE Response on EC Communication 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies Climate
PDF 19/09/2014 IE Response on Commission Proposal on a Market Stability Reserve Climate
PDF 30/07/2014 IE Response on EC Communication on Energy Efficiency and its contribution to energy security and the 2030 Framework for climate and energy policy Energy Efficiency Efficiency
PDF 29/07/2014 IE Response to EU Consultation on the Carbon Leakage Protection post-2020 Climate
PDF 16/06/2014 IFIEC Europe response on the ACER 2025 Consultation Gas
PDF 12/06/2014 Energy Forum 2014- WP Electricty – P Claes (IFIEC Europe) Electricity
PDF 12/06/2014 Energy Forum 2014- WP Gas – S Solheim (IFIEC Europe) Gas
PDF 12/06/2014 Energy Forum 2014- WP Climate _ A Loske (IFIEC Europe) Climate
PDF 18/04/2014 IE position on Gas Target Model Gas
PDF 04/04/2014 IE response to the EC Consultation on 2020 energy efficiency objective and 2030 energy efficiency policy framework Efficiency
PDF 12/02/2014 IFIEC Europe response on EEAG 2014-2020 Climate
PDF 17/12/2013 IE Response on Energy Regulation- A Bridge to 2025 - Discussion Paper on Gas Gas
PDF 04/11/2013 IW Recommendations for COP 19 on Climate Change Policies that Support Economic Growth in Manufacturing Climate
PDF 17/10/2013 IE Position on Remit Gas
10/10/2013 IE Letter to H Bergman / DG Climate Action on the Cross-Sectoral Correction Factor Climate
PDF 06/09/2013 IE Letter to EC President Barroso on ETS _ COM decision on MSs NIMs Climate
PDF 06/08/2013 IE Response to EC Consultation on Revision of Carbon Leakage List 2015-2019 Climate
PDF 03/07/2013 IFIEC Europe calls on real structured reform of ETS post 2020 - Press release Climate
PDF 28/06/2013 IE Response to EC Consultation on the Future of CCS in Europe Climate
PDF 28/06/2013 IE Response to EC Consultation on 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policies Climate
PDF 11/06/2013 IE response to EC Consultation on Unconventional Fossil Fuels - Press Release Gas
PDF 11/06/2013 IE Response to EC Communication on 2015 International Climate Change Agreement Climate
PDF 05/06/2013 Energy Forum 2013- Electricity Session – P Claes (IFIEC Europe) Electricity Electricity
PDF 05/06/2013 Energy Forum 2013- Electricity Session – I Bernaerts (DG Energy) Electricity Electricity
PDF 05/06/2013 Energy Forum 2013- Electricity Session – J P Jebsen (Norsk Hydro) Electricity Electricity
PDF 05/06/2013 Energy Forum 2013- Climate Session _ A Eggert (EUROFER) Climate
PDF 05/06/2013 Energy Forum 2013- Climate Session _ A Loske (IFIEC Europe) Climate Change Climate
PDF 05/06/2013 Energy Forum 2013- Gas Session - S Solheim (IFIEC Europe) Gas
PDF 05/06/2013 Energy Forum 2013- Gas Session – P Botschek (Cefic) Gas
PDF 05/06/2013 Energy Forum 2013- Gas Session – M Monteverde (Argus) Gas
PDF 21/05/2013 True Gas Market Competition – Press Release Gas
PDF 13/05/2013 IE Response to EC Consultation on Etablishment of the Annual Priority Lists for the Development of Network Codes and Guidelines for 2014 and beyond. Gas
PDF 29/04/2013 IE Response to EC Consultation on Environmental & Energy Aid Guidelines 2014-2020 Electricity
PDF 28/03/2013 IR Response to EC Consultation on Registry Arrangements to facilitate Linking with the EU ETS Climate
PDF 21/02/2013 Position Paper on Shale Gas – Ifiec Europe and Fertilizers Europe Gas
PDF 20/02/2013 IE response to Commission’s Consultation on Generation Adequacy – Press Release Electricity
PDF 20/02/2013 IE response to EC Consultation on Structural Options to Strenghten the EU ETS Climate
PDF 07/02/2013 EC Consultation on Generation Adequacy Electricity
PDF 25/01/2013 IE Recommendations EU Support for Renewable Energy Climate
PDF 20/12/2012 IFIEC thoughts on linking the European with the Australian ETS Climate
PDF 01/10/2012 Response to the Commission_s Consultation on Review of the Auction Time Profile for the EU ETS Climate
PDF 06/07/2012 IFIEC Europe position on an enhanced EU ETS Climate
Powerpoint 19/06/2012 Energy Forum - The ENTSO – E experience – presentation by D. DOBBENI ( ENTSO – E ) Electricity Electricity
Powerpoint 19/06/2012 Energy Forum - Capacity mechanisms – presentation by P. CLAES ( IFIEC Europe ) Electricity
Powerpoint 19/06/2012 Energy Forum - ETS future _ presentation by Dr A. LOSKE ( IFIEC Europe ) Climate Change Climate
PDF 13/06/2012 EED opinion – press release Efficiency
PDF 08/05/2012 Title IE Position on Capacity Payments Electricity
PDF 26/03/2012 Harmonised Gas Tariff Structure Gas
PDF 29/02/2012 Electricity Market Coupling response Electricity
PDF 30/01/2012 Response to the EC Consultation of ETS State Aid Guidelines Efficiency
PDF 15/12/2011 Letter to MEP’s on EED set aside Efficiency
Powerpoint 22/11/2011 Electricity Market by P. CLAES chairman of the Working Party Electricity Electricity
Powerpoint 22/11/2011 Energy Forum - IFIEC Europe Vision of a Liberalised European Gas Market by S. SOLHEIM Chairman of Working Party Oil & Gas Gas
Powerpoint 22/11/2011 Global Competitiveness in a Liberalised EU ENERGY Market â__The Role of ENSTO-E by D. DOBBENI ENTSO-E Climate
Powerpoint 22/11/2011 Study on Renewable Electricity in EU Member States by Dr A. LOSKE chairwoman of the Working Party Climate Change Climate Change Climate
Powerpoint 22/11/2011 Market Based Mechanisms for the Completion of the internal GAS MARKET by G. STECK EFET Gas Gas
Powerpoint 22/11/2011 Global Competitiveness in a Liberalised EU Energy Market – Gas Infrastructure and Market by W. GROENENDIJK ENTSOG Gas Gas
Powerpoint 22/11/2011 Developing Renewable Energy Cost effectively by T. HOWES DG Energy Climate Change Climate
PDF 15/11/2011 ETS Indirect Effects Compensation _ letter to Commissioner Almunia Climate
PDF 02/11/2011 EU Energy Efficiency proposal response – press release Energy Efficiency Efficiency
PDF 25/10/2011 IFIEC Europe comments to EED Efficiency
PDF 26/09/2011 Madrid Forum Gas Liquidity presentation by S. SOLHEIM Gas Gas
PDF 20/09/2011 Electricity Grid Operational Security Electricity Electricity
PDF 20/09/2011 Gas Target Model Gas
PDF 16/09/2011 Fundamental Electricity Transparency Electricity
PDF 16/09/2011 Gas Quality Harmonisation Gas
PDF 15/07/2011 CEER power exchange response Electricity Electricity
Powerpoint 10/06/2011 Energy Forum on EU ETS Plans ( 09.06.11 ) _ presentation DG Climate Climate Change Climate
PDF 10/06/2011 ACER capacity allocation response Electricity
Powerpoint 10/06/2011 Energy Forum on EU ETS Plans ( 09.06.11 ) _ presentation by M. Bhagwat ( IFIEC Europe ) Climate Change Climate
Powerpoint 10/06/2011 Energy Forum on EU ETS Plans ( 09.06.11 ) _ presentation by V. Schyns ( IFIEC Europe ) Climate Change Climate
Powerpoint 10/06/2011 Energy Forum on EU ETS Plans ( 09.06.11 ) - presentation by L. Recknagel ( IFIEC Europe ) Climate
Powerpoint 10/06/2011 Energy Forum on EU ETS Plans ( 09.06.11 ) _ presentation DG Competition Climate Change Climate
PDF 29/03/2011 Consistent ETS allocation rules urged Climate
PDF 14/01/2011 EU Gas Market Response Gas
PDF 30/12/2010 Electricity Market Design and Integration Electricity
PDF 16/11/2010 ERGEG gas transparency response Gas
PDF 10/11/2010 Response to ERGEG's CACM for electricity consultation Electricity Electricity
PDF 28/10/2010 IFIEC Europe & CEFIC response to ERGEG Transparency in Electriciity consult Electricity
PDF 28/10/2010 IFIEC Europe & CEFIC response to ERGEG gas balancing consultation Gas
PDF 15/10/2010 ETS Allocation Rules Climate Change Climate
PDF 24/09/2010 Implementing the EU ETS Directive- The allocation rules for the third trading period Climate
PDF 10/09/2010 Response to the ERGEG Smart meter consultation Gas & Electricity
PDF 10/06/2010 Alliance position on New Entrants under EUETS Climate Change Climate
PDF 08/06/2010 Alliance position on Free Allowances under EUETS Climate Change Climate
PDF 06/05/2010 Energy Intensive Industry opposes EU 30% carbon reduction mandate Climate
PDF 28/04/2010 Response to the CEER Consultation on Generation Adequacy Treatment Electricity
PDF 19/04/2010 IFIEC Europe's position on power price compensation under EU ETS Climate
PDF 25/02/2010 IFIEC Europe response to the ERGEG Ten Year Electricity Network Development Plan Electricity
PDF 08/02/2010 IE Comments on EC Guidance Paper to Identify Electricity Generators Climate Change Climate
PDF 02/02/2010 Power price compensation under EU ETS Climate Change Climate
PDF 22/12/2009 Auctioning rules under the revised EU ETS Scheme- A view from the industrial energy users Climate
Powerpoint 14/12/2009 A "target model" on market integration from the perspective of industrial energy consumers - Florence Forum, Rome 10-11.12.09. Presentation by Dr Hans Gruenfeld, President of IFIEC Europe Electricity
Powerpoint 22/09/2009 Energy Forum 2009 - presentation by Mr Daniel DOBBENI President of ENTSO - E Electricity
Powerpoint 22/09/2009 Energy Forum 2009 - presentation by Mr Colin LYLE Chairman EFET Gas Committee Gas
Powerpoint 22/09/2009 Energy Forum 2009 - presentation by Mr Jacques LAURELUT President of GTE + Gas
PDF 15/09/2009 Opinion for the UN Climate Process in Copenhagen Climate
PDF 30/06/2009 Response to the Draft Guidelines on Electricity Grid Connection and Access ( E08-ENM-09-03 ) Electricity
PDF 23/03/2009 CO2 Power Factor ETS Climate
PDF 16/03/2009 ERGEG Balancing Mechanism response Electricity Electricity
PDF 30/12/2008 Response to the ERGEG Consultation on Implementing the Thirs Energy Package Electricity
PDF 15/12/2008 Benefits and Feasibililty of an Emissions Trading Scheme based on Benchmarks and Actual Production by A. Loske and V. Schyns Climate
PDF 10/11/2008 IFIEC's response to ERGEG Consultation on Regulation 1228/2003 - Compliance Monitoring Second report, 10 September 2008 Electricity Electricity
PDF 10/11/2008 11 ERGEG ERI Converg final 10 11 08 Electricity
PDF 04/11/2008 Address to ENEF III, Bratislava 04.11.08 by Dr Hans Gruenfeld, president of IFIEC Europe Electricity Electricity
PDF 31/10/2008 IFIEC Position Paper on Nuclear Power Electricity Electricity
PDF 21/10/2008 IFIEC Europe comments ERGEG document of October 6th on " Guidelines of Good Practice on Grid Connection and Access Electricity Electricity
PDF 07/10/2008 EP Environment Committee voting on ETS - a missed opportunity to align climate protection with economic development Climate change Climate
PDF 13/08/2008 Letter to Mr Jos Delbeke on Benchmarks for Allocation of Allowances Climate
PDF 25/06/2008 IFIEC responds to the ERGEG consultation paper on " Draft Guidelines of Good Practice for Operational Security Electricity
PDF 17/06/2008 Designing Emissions Trading as the route to a prospering low carbon EU economy Climate change Climate
Powerpoint 10/06/2008 European Parliament EU ETS Roundtable 10.06.08 - Observation on the Reports of Climate Strategies & Carbon Trust by Vianney Schyns IFIEC Europe Climate
PDF 21/05/2008 ETSO consultation on 10.04.08 - Interim report on congestion management - IFIEC Europe' s response Electricity
PDF 30/04/2008 Draft Guidelines on Art. 22 - a contribution of IFIEC Europe Gas
PDF 17/04/2008 The inconvenient truth - the impact of the Commission's ETS proposal and IFIEC Europe's response by Dr Hans Gruenfeld president of IFIEC Europe Climate Change Climate
PDF 17/04/2008 ECOFYS report Climate Change Climate
PDF 17/04/2008 ECOFYS report _ press release Climate Change Climate
Powerpoint 17/04/2008 The way forward to a more efficient and effective EU ETS - IFIEC Europe views by Dr Annette Loske chairwoman of the WP Climate & Change Climate Change Climate
PDF 29/01/2008 IFIEC Europe's initial response to the EU Climate Package - Challenging climate change targets require cost efficient solutions - press release Climate
PDF 28/01/2008 Guidelines of Good Practice on Third Party Access for LNG System Operators ( GGPLNG ) - a contribution of IFIEC Europe Gas Gas
PDF 18/01/2008 Principles on Calculating Tariffs for Access to Gas Transmission Networks - a contribution from IFIEC Europe Gas Gas
PDF 08/01/2008 IFIEC Europe's position on the Commission's "Third Package" proposal for legislative measures to improve the internal electricity market Electricity
PDF 08/01/2008 IFIEC Europe's position on the Commission's "Third Package" proposal for legislative measures to improve the internal gas market. Gas
PDF 01/12/2007 IFIEC World - Effective Climate Change Policies - COP 13 - Bali Climate
PDF 04/11/2007 Improving Electricity Supply Security across Europe - Press release Electricity Electricity
PDF 31/10/2007 Position Paper on ERGEG ERI - CEE "Report on Transparency" Electricity Electricity
PDF 12/10/2007 IFIEC Europe responds to ERGEG Consultation on the "ERI Convergence and Coherence Report" Electricity
PDF 30/07/2007 Response to the EU Green Paper " Market based instruments for environment and related policy purposes " Climate
PDF 29/06/2007 IFIEC responds to the ERGEG Consultation Paper on " Guidelines for Good Practice on Fonctional and Informational Unbundeling Electricity
PDF 28/06/2007 How best to complete the Single European Market for Energy - speech of Mrs Neelie KROES Commisioner for Competetion at the General Assembly of IFIEC Europe Gas & Electricity & Oil
Powerpoint 22/05/2007 ECCP EUETS Review -Improving Allocation " Performance -based Allocation and Activity Rate- what is the choice" by A. Loske Climate
Powerpoint 22/05/2007 ECCP EUETS Review -Applicability and practical Aspects of Performance-based Allocation" by V. Schyns Climate Change Climate
Powerpoint 22/05/2007 ECCP EUETS Review -Improving Allocation " Performance-based Allocation is feasible " by V. Schyns Climate Change Climate
PDF 22/02/2007 Response to the Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament - An Energy Policy for Europe Energy - General Gas & Electricity & Oil
PDF 10/01/2007 IFIEC Europe welcomes the Commission's Energy Policy findings Gas & Electricity & Oil
PDF 06/12/2006 Cross Border Framework for Transmission Network Infrastructure Consultation Electricity Electricity
PDF 09/11/2006 Power failure - press release Electricity
PDF 30/10/2006 EU - Emissions Trading Scheme without real changes - A Threat for EU Industries - An obstruction for competition in the liberalized electricity market Climate
PDF 28/09/2006 Response to the Green Paper " An European Strategy for Sustainable,Competitive and Secure Energy Gas & Electricity & Oil
PDF 28/09/2006 EU ETS review now shown as essential - press release Climate
Powerpoint 23/02/2006 Sector Inquiry on the gas and electricity markets DG COMP by Dominik Schnichels Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate
Powerpoint 23/02/2006 Electricity Inquiry Main DG Competition conclusions by Jean-Paul Aghetti chairman WP Electricity Events Third Energy Forum Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate
Powerpoint 23/02/2006 EC Sector Enquiry Preliminary Report Gas Markets by Jim Robertson chairman of the WP Oil & Gas Events Third Energy Forum Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate
Powerpoint 23/02/2006 EU Climate Change Policy – Necessary Review of EU ETS by Annette Loske chairwoman WP Climate Change Events Third Energy Forum (23.02.06) Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate
Powerpoint 23/02/2006 Last exit to get European Energy markets right by MEP Claude Turmes Events Third Energy Forum Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate
Powerpoint 23/02/2006 Implementation of the Electricity and Gas Directives – 2005 Report DG TREN by Ana Arana Antelo Events Third Energy Forum Efficiency & Gas & Electricity & Oil & Climate
PDF 08/02/2006 Green Paper on Energy Efficiency – IFIEC Europe’s Comments and Replies Efficiency
PDF 27/01/2006 IFIEC Europe believes the new EU ETS Guidance Note allows the malfunctioning EU Emission Tading regime to continue unchanged Climate Change Climate
PDF 19/12/2005 Inclusion of Aviation into the EU Emissions Trading Scheme _ Serious concerns about the consequences Climate
PDF 05/08/2005 Joint statement on the CHP directive Other documents
PDF 08/03/2005 Electricity Market Design – Recommendations for a better balance of market power Electricity
PDF 02/02/2005 Promotion of Renewable Energies in the EU Member States - consequences on the Price of Electricity for Industrial Consumers - 2004 issue ( January 2005 ) Efficiency
PDF 29/09/2004 Electricity market design analysis Electricity
PDF 25/03/2004 Joint Press Release IFIEC Europe Eurelectric " European Industry needs a coherent,stable and realistic Energy Policy " Electricity
PDF 25/03/2004 Common Statement IFIEC Europe and Eurelectric " European Industry needs a coherent, stable and realistic Energy Policy " Electricity Electricity
PDF 19/03/2003 Completing the Internal Electricity Market with respect to the Common Position adopted by the Council on 3 February 2003 concerning common rules for the Internal Electricity Market Electricity
PDF 05/03/2003 Outstanding issues for industrial energy consumers following the adoption of a Common Position by the Council on 3 February 2003 for a Directive concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas Gas & Oil
PDF 14/10/2002 A dynamic toolbox approach to cross-border capacity and congestion management ". Electricity
PDF 12/07/2002 Cross-border allocation and congestion management - basic principles . Electricity
PDF 06/03/2002 The completion of the internal gas market in Europe - Position paper in view of the Council meeting in Barcelona on March15,2002. Gas
PDF 25/01/2002 Commission proposal for regulation 2001/C240E/12 - " conditions for access to the network for cross-border exchanges in electricity -the view of the European industrial energy consumer Electricity
PDF 15/10/2001 Completing the Internal Energy Market - The view of the European industrial energy consumers Other documents Electricity
PDF 05/09/2001 European Strategy for Security of Energy Supply - the view of European industrial energy consumers Electricity
PDF 15/02/2001 Towards efficient and non-discriminatory Congestion Management in Electricity Grids Electricity Electricity
PDF 01/12/2000 Competition and Concentration of Power Generators - The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index " Electricity
PDF 17/11/2000 Climate Policy, Competitiveness and the Industrial Energy Consumer Electricity
PDF 11/09/2000 EC Public Hearing on the Liberalisation of the Internal Energy Market Sept 14, 2000 - Position Paper Electricity Market Electricity
PDF 28/03/2000 IFIEC Europe Position on Pricing Principles Electricity
PDF 02/12/1999 IFIEC Europe and the EU Energy Policy Other documents Electricity
PDF 20/09/1999 IFIEC Europe Commentary on the 2nd Harmonisation Report as Issued by the Commission Electricity Electricity
PDF 16/11/1998 Negotiated Agreements - the Industrial Response to Kyoto Electricity
PDF 10/09/1998 Stranded Investments, Cost Recovery Mechanisms and Market Organisation Derogations Electricity Electricity
PDF 15/05/1998 Principles of  Regulation and Dispute Settlement Electricity Electricity
PDF 01/12/1997 A Contribution to the Debate at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Environment Electricity
PDF 21/10/1997 Transmission Criteria- Grid Management Principles & Use-of-System Charges Electricity